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7 Healthy Living

28 Nov 2011

Health problems can occur anytime, especially if we are unaware of the symptoms and causes. Without us knowing the lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns are the main causative factor.
Although there are other causes that can not be avoided such as fakor genetic, environmental pollution.To stay healthy, there are many ways to get it. One of them, follow these 7 tactics and get a better quality of life:
1. Clean air, healthy lungs were
To avoid respiratory distress, breathe clean air and healthy. The trick? No need to bother looking pegungungan air, the morning air was very good for your lungs. Also avoid the polluted air, such as cigarette smoke, fumes or dust. Clean the house and work space regularly, including furniture, fans and air conditioners.
2. Drink plenty of water
Water is the best of any drink. Get used to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This habit will help maintain the smooth functioning of the kidneys and urinary tract. Strive to drink warm water at night and cool water (not ice water) during the day. Add a little lemon juice or lime juice. In addition to good to freshen up, drink it while helping remove toxins from the body.
3. Consumption of nutritious and balanced menu
Choose a menu with adequate nutrition, balanced, and varied. Increase consumption of green vegetables and fruits that contain lots of fiber and nutrients the body needs fiber. Avoid junk foods and processed foods, and reduce consumption of salt and sugar. One more thing, do not forget breakfast! Because breakfast can support our activities throughout the day.
4. Balance between work, exercise and rest
Hard work without a break nothing in it for you. Get used to regular breaks 7-8 hours at night, and do not often stay up or sleep too late. Try to use leisure time for light exercise or just relax the muscles of the joints.By exercising 2-3 times per week, for 30-45 minutes, enough to make the body fit and stamina.
5. Control of brain
The brain, as well as our bodies, he also needs a rest. Do not give too much weight, because the brain also has a limited memory. Do leisure activities that make the brain work more relaxed, eg doing a fun hobby, like painting, reading the latest novel or just listening to music.
6. Go live in harmony
Humans are a microcosm of the macrocosm of nature must comply if he wants to stay healthy. Do all of that for prevention to always remember the sage advice to "make a well before thirst arises".
Use common sense! That's the key, do not sacrifice the pleasure of life by indulging themselves through bad living habits and risky. For example, drinking, smoking or using drugs. Try to live in harmony, as much as possible minimize the risk of psychological or emotional stress.
7. Use of nutritional supplements
Only if necessary! Our bodies need antioxidants (beta-carotene), vitamin C, vitamin E, and selenium. All of these substances needed by the body to increase vitality and prolong life expectancy. To obtain a lot of ways you can do.In addition to eating fresh foods, you can also consume a lot of health supplements on the market. Instead, the use of dietary supplements is more recommended as an alternative therapy with emphasis on types of dietary supplements that have been researched and useful.


21 Nov 2011

Everyone will want to trim, in the sense of having an ideal body weight. Before you start any diet program, let us first understand the meaning of the word "diet". Diet was not merely an attempt to streamline the agency, but diet and type of food you eat. Therefore we can divide into two categories DIET simple:


* Too much consumption of carbohydrates (eg rice, noodles, bread, etc.).
* Too much animal protein (eg meat).
* Poor or even not eat vegetables and fruits, especially on the grounds do not like.
* Too much fatty food (eg fried foods, fatty meat section).
* Eat foods high in cholesterol, sometimes without us knowing (eg, seafood, quail eggs, egg yolks, organ meats beef / lamb, butter, chocolate, etc.).
* Eating fast food or fast food.
* Snacking excessive and likes to snack.
* Too much sugar, salt, alcohol.


* Regular eating pattern that is 3 times a day, with a balanced nutrition.
* Many vegetables and fruits.
* Many VEGETABLE protein intake and eat less meat.
* Eat healthy foods low in calories but high in vegetable protein, vitamins, and minerals.
* More to eat foods that are boiled or in-team, low fat / low cholesterol oil so well.
* Snacking healthy foods like fruits or vegetables are boiled, protein bars, plain crackers, etc..
* LOT of drinking water! At least 8 glasses a day or 2 liters. This is the most simple but many people do not do it.


The answer is easy ...... The food is wrong!

These research results world nutrition experts:

1.Sarapan Carbohydrates:

* Blood sugar rises.
* The pancreas produces insulin to work harder to push blood sugar.
* What you feel: Tired, sleepy, lethargic, often hungry.
* As a result you become like snacking and often feel hungry.

2. No Breakfast:

* Blood sugar levels drop below normal.
* During the day tend to eat 2-fold, result: sugar levels rise and the cycle of NO. 1 happen to you.
* As a result you become like snacking and often feel hungry.


3. Exactly Healthy Breakfast with Balanced Nutrition:

* Nutrition balanced, nutrients, vitamins and minerals fulfilled so that the cells of the body not starve, the body's organs do not work to suppress excessive blood sugar, and you will not feel hungry throughout the day.
* Your appetite was controlled, so the weight is stable, the body stay slim and fit body condition.

Why a healthy breakfast with Herbalife F1 Shake is a healthy diet proper way to start your day?

Now try to compare breakfast ordinary practical and practical breakfast Herbalife:


The key to a healthy diet for successful weight management to be slim and healthy are:

1. The right food with balanced nutrition.

2. Healthy eating / right.

3. Discipline and intentions.

Diet was not allowed to torture yourself, no breakfast, no dinner, especially with the help of syringes, medicines, slimming tools. The ways such as this will cause the disease to himself, side effects and results are certainly not permanent. Usually after taking the diet, weight will soar high! This is because the body's cells that have long made us hungry, ready to "devour" all substances in our foods, whether it is good (vitamins, minerals and other nutrients) or bad (fat, sugar, cholesterol, etc.). This is the main cause of weight loss diet immediately jumped after the stop, not to mention the disturbed digestive problems due to diet like this. So we must be highly selective in choosing a healthy diet proper way to be slim permanently.

The Queen Mary

20 Nov 2011

The Queen Mary

Most haunted places and other creepy is the Queen Mary. proclaim this in a very scary place, as so often happens strange events on board.
Old luxury ship is reportedly quite haunted, according to many people who have worked and visited the ship.
After the ship that was once famous for luxury and the end times of sailing, the ship Queen Mary was purchased by the city of Long Beach, California in 1967 and converted into a hotel.

 QueenMary2 2 The Queen Mary
The most haunted area on the ship is the engine room where a 17-year-old sailor died in pathetic while trying to escape from the fire. Many people have heard and recorded a knock and blow the pipes around the door of the ship.
In what is now the front desk area of the hotel, visitors have seen the ghost of a woman dressed in white.
Ghosts rumored to haunt the children‘s pool vessel. Ghost of a young girl, who reportedly had an accident and broke his neck in a swimming pool, there was her mother or her doll.

In the hallway the pool is an area with strange activity. Furniture moves itself, people feel the touch of the hands of the unseen and the appearance of unknown spirits.

In front of the hull can sometimes be heard screaming, sounds of pain, which was supposed was the voice of a sailor who was killed when the Queen Mary collided with a small boat.

Queen Mary 2 40860 300x199 The Queen Mary

source: http://unique.shootrun.net

Myrtles Plantation

This is one of the most haunted places and haunted throughout the world. A building that is very scary, because inhabited by spirits who often manifest form.

seram1zi3 Myrtles Plantation

Myrtles Plantation

The building was built in 1796 by General David Bradford, this old house reportedly haunted by several ghosts curious. According to some researchers as many as 10 murders occurred in that house, but other researchers such as Troy Taylor and David Wisehart only confirm one murder at Myrtles.
Even so, the researchers admit that the place is really haunted and can be categorized as one of the most haunted places in the world. Some ghosts are rumored to haunt the house:
- Cleo, a former slave who was hanged to death for killing two little girls (the killings and their existence is still questionable Cleo)
- The ghosts of two girls who were killed was reportedly seen playing on the porch
- William Drew Winter, a lawyer who lived at Myrtles from 1860 to 1871. He was shot dead on the side porch by an unknown person.
With a hobbled and dripping blood, Winter went into the house and tried to climb the stairs to the second floor but no luck. He fell and died in footing the stairs to the 17th. His footsteps up the stairs before he died reportedly could still be heard today. (Only the verified death of Winter)
- The ghosts of other slaves who occasionally appeared to ask if there is homework that they can do.
- Piano sounds great who often play the same tunes over and over again by itself.

Sources: 17 Most Haunted Places in the World and Awful – Forums http://www.indoforum.org/t106963/ # ixzz3qH7NsPJ6
Copyright: www.indoforum.orgm

Mirny Diamond Mine

005 300x199 mirny diamond mineMysterious events that occur in nature one of which is “Mirny diamond mine“. Again, the mining man makes a hole as deep as 525 meters with a diameter of 1,200 meters.

This incident occurred in the eastern Siberian Russia.
Because of extreme misery, the depth of the hole with a diameter of 525 meters 1,200 meters, the helicopters are prohibited from crossing over it because it will be sucked under.

This hole has been designated as a no-fly zone above the hole.
Because some of the helicopters had crashed into the hole with no apparent reason.


Mirny Diamond Mine hole 21 e1308873278948 mirny diamond mine

Mirny Diamond Mine Siberia mirny diamond mine

mirny 2 mirny diamond mine

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Mirnyi mirny diamond mine

Scientists have conducted research on this place, they bring a  mickrophone to detect sounds of plate movements of the earth to the bottom of the hole.
But instead of plate motion that they had heard, but the screams of men.
That said, the man screams in pain comes from the bowels of the earth.

Although one can be distinguished by voice vote the other, but millions with background noise with a single voice.
Due to sound like someone screaming in pain, nearly half of the scientists to stop doing research on “Mirny diamond mine” because of fear.